

Below are the following Seminars we have available for Fitness Facilities looking to introduce Calisthenics. We have different types of workshops accessible depending on the facility and their needs. For more information or to receive a proposal on both please check the details below or email info@irishcalisthenics.com


adult introduction to calisthenics

Our Adult Introduction to Calisthenics Seminar introduces participants to the foundation blocks of Calisthenics. We show how to develop and improve mobility and then look at movements within calisthenics that develop strength.


adult freestyle calisthenics Seminar

Our Freestyle Calisthenics Seminars showcase how we begin to develop freestyle movements and give each participant the tools to develop their skills. This workshop looks at the Transitional and Dynamic Movements within Calisthenics and shows how each individual participant can develop these and begin to look at their own style.


Introduction to Calisthenics Seminar


Adult Introduction to calisthenics

Our Introduction to Calisthenics Seminar looks at the initial basic concepts needed to progress in the sport of Calisthenics. This course can be adapted to suit the level of the group and we always recommend any person interested in us running a seminar in their facility that they contact us first to discuss the possibilities and what we can introduce. These can also be used as a form of fitness and they are designed to improve peoples overall strength and mobility. These are the two main areas we cover in our Intro Programme.

  • Mobility

  • Strength


In this initial section of the workshop we look at how we assess and improve the mobility of our athletes. We perform a Fundamental Movement Screening and then showcase to all participants where they may be showcasing any sign of mobility issues.

The importance of this should not be underestimated. Mobility should be the building block upon which anyone works from. Before looking at somebody’s fitness or sport specific ability we need to be able to see if they have any mobility issues. For example if they cannot raise their arms fully over their head due tightness around the upper body, how will this affect their handstand? Or Muscle Up? We need to be capable of reducing the risks of injury to any potential athlete or client, and this should be our first point of action.

  • Partner Stretching

After we have looked at the mobility within the group, we will then look at different forms of stretching for the upper and lower body and partner stretching, which will help to showcase some movements that will be useful if someone has shown a limited range of motion. Our aim is to be able to ensure adequate mobility before we can work on strength or skill based movements. Then using our stretching techniques this will help us to improve the range of motion of everyone involved.


Strength is defined as the ability to exert force. Within Calisthenics we have a variety of movements that showcase strength. Within Calisthenics and in fitness in general we have different types of strength. In our introduction to Calisthenics Workshop we teach Strength under the following headings

  • Strength

  • Isometric Strength ( Statics )


The movements we work on in this course to develop strength are calisthenics specific but can be used by any fitness professional to help develop an athlete and provide more alternatives to their training.

Within the strength section of our workshop we cover a wide variety of movements. These are catered to the group and to what will suit the ability level.

  • Muscle-Up

  • Pull-ups / One Arm Pull Up

  • Push-ups / One Arm Push Up

  • Pistol Squat

  • Handstand

Isometric Strength, or more commonly known in Calisthenics as statics, are positions where the body is in tension and the angle of the joint remains the same throughout the hold.

Examples of these within Calisthenics are:

  • Planche

  • Front Lever

  • Back Lever

  • Human Flag

In our introduction course we will break these movements down and give all participants the education required around these movements to develop themselves and any potential clients.

All participants in our seminars will receive twelve months free access to our online membership, giving them the opportunity to make even further progress after the seminar.

If you are interested in running a workshop with us please contact us for a proposal that we can tailor to your group and ability levels. For any upcoming events check our calendar below.

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Introduction to Freestyle Calisthenics Seminar


adult introduction to freestyle calisthenics seminar

This Freestyle Seminar gives us the perfect opportunity to showcase what Freestyle Calisthenics is all about!

This Seminar focuses on the transitional and dynamic movements in calisthenics, and we aim to break them down into achievable and logical steps for people to take on board.

We demonstrate a wide variety of movements on this course and base the seminar around where people are currently in terms of their calisthenics ability.

We then look at combining movements and creating routines. We will showcase the finer points on routines and how to efficiently put movements learned on the seminar together.

We introduce the idea of bar spins, 360 variations and how we can put these together with static and strength elements.

We break all of these movements down to create a logical step by step pathway on how to achieve these movements. All participants on this seminar will also receive 12 months free access to our Online Tutorials, providing you with the education you need to continue your development after the Seminar.

If you would like to run an introduction to freestyle seminar in your fitness facility or you are interested in attending one of our upcoming events please fill out the contact form below for any further information.

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