Male Power Competition

Rules and Regulations


Reps will be recorded by video if an athlete has a query based on results. The scores will be added up from the 3 disciplines for a combined score. There will be a first, second and third place. ONLY FIRST AND SECOND QUALIFY FOR THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP. If first or second refuse space third place will get the place and so on; 

Weighted Pull Up +32KG

Athletes will start with a pronated grip, roughly shoulder width apart. Athletes must start with a locked out position and finish with their chin above the bar. As long as the chin is visibly above the bar the rep is good. Athletes will receive a tap from the judge to begin each rep. The judge must do this ASAP after lockout. Sets will be recorded for reevaluating. 

Causes for NO REP:

  • Any bend or swing in the legs

  • Chin does not go above the bar

  • Kipping of the body in any way

  • No Full lockout at the bottom

  • Athlete completes rep before being tapped by judge

Weighted Dips +48KG

Athletes will start with arms locked out. Athletes must bend elbows to 90 degrees or below for rep to count. The pelvis area must not be stationary and athletes may not drop their head. Full lock out at the top of each rep before it is counted. Judges will then tap the athlete before the rep begins. Athletes may only pause for 3 seconds at the top. 

Causes for NO REP:

  • Pelvis area does not move

  • Athlete does not lock out

  • Leg kick is used

  • Large amounts of swinging of the weight

  • Head dips extremely 

  • Athlete completes rep before being tapped by judge

Muscle Ups

Athletes will start with arms straight. At the top of the movement they must lock out their arms. No kipping or swinging is allowed. A box will be placed 50cm in front of the athlete to remove excess swing. If the athlete touches the box it is fine. Legs must have no knee bend. No touch from a judge will be used for muscle ups but if the athlete does not lock out completely the reps will not count. 

Causes for NO REP:

  • Any bend or swing in the legs

  • Kipping of the body in any way

  • No Full lockout at the bottom

  • Athlete on top of bar for longer than 3 seconds